Medical Imaging Resources

Mike Hutchison

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How to Back-up your Digital X-ray System

Mike Hutchison


One thing that many clinics overlook is making sure that you have a backup copy of your digital x-rays. Most tend to start a backup only after the unfortunate event of losing their data. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as electrical storms, floods, or a computer virus. It is important to be proactive with backing up your digital x-ray system to ensure that your images are safe. It is not only recommended but is a HIPAA requirement. In this article, we will go through some of the options available for digital x-ray backup and some important factors that you will want to consider. 

X-ray images are stored as DICOM images, which is a universal imaging standard in medical imaging. A digital x-ray system will typically come with some type of local storage, which will be located on the acquisition computer, which is what is connected to your DR panel. This storage is typically a PACS system,  which stands for Picture Archive and Communication system. A PACS system is a searchable database of your medical images which can typically be viewed using either a DICOM-based viewer. A PACS system is a great way to store and view your digital x-rays, however, you will still want to consider options for how to back up your images in the event of a disaster. 

What is the best way to back up your digital x-ray system?

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